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Buy, Sell & Borrow crypto in self custodial way
Not investment advice. Trading cryptocurrencies involves risks.
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Buy, Sell & Borrow crypto in self custodial way
Not investment advice.
Trading cryptocurrencies involves risks.

Terms & Conditions for

These current terms and conditions govern theterms of use of, hereinafter referred to as "thewebsite". "Non-Custodial Finance" Foundation, hereinafterreferred to as "Operator". "Non-Custodial Finance"Foundation is a non-profit organization registered to perform activities inpublic purpose under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria under UIN 207461856.

By using the Website, the user agrees to these general terms and conditions. Ifyou do not agree with the same, you should refrain from using the Website.

1. Intellectual property

1.1. All intellectualproperty rights regarding the information resources and content of the websiteare exercised by the Operator. They are protected by the applicable copyrightlegislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, and any use of content from theWebsite without the consent of the Operator is a violation of the law, whichmay result in civil, administrative criminal or criminal liability.

1.2. In the case ofcopying or reproduction of information outside of the permitted, as well as incase of any other violation of intellectual property rights on the Operator'sresources, the Operator has the right to claim compensation for the direct andindirect damages suffered in full.

2. Limitation of Liability

2.1. The operator takesthe necessary measures to keep the content of the Website up-to-date, but isnot responsible for the actual up-to-dateness of the same. In this regard, theOperator is not liable for damages, including direct and indirect damages,including lost profits, that a user of the Website would incur under anycircumstances related to the published content of the Website and access to itas well related to any content that has been shared with users through thenewsletter service (email subscription service). By using the Website, usersassume all risks associated therewith, including any risk to users' enddevices, software or data.

2.2. The operator isnot responsible for malicious actions by third parties to which the user maybecome subject when using the Website. The User uses the Website at his ownrisk.

3. Use of the website

3.1. The Website has apurely informative function. Through it, users cannot order products orservices from the Operator. The information on the website is entirelyadvertising and does not contain binding offers for the Operator or any otherinformation that could be interpreted as an offer to enter into a contract.

3.2. Users must usethe Website in good faith, including not taking malicious actions that mayaffect the accessibility of content to third parties or the use of the Websitein general.

3.3. Through theinterface of the Website the users may opt to subscribe to a newsletter service(email subscription service). If a user provides his email address for thispurpose the user agrees to receive email content, including marketing materialswith news and summaries over the development of the non-custodial financeindustry. The content that is included in the newsletter is selected entirelyby the Operator and in its sole discretion.

3.4. The users may choose to unsubscribe from the newsletter service at any time throughclicking a link in the newsletter (any email sent to the user as part of theservice).

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. The operatorreserves the right to amend these general terms and conditions at its discretion,as at any moment the current terms and conditions for use of the Website willbe published on the same.

4.2. The provisions ofthe current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria apply to all matters notsettled by these General Terms and Conditions.